Bill Morrow

Founder at Angels Den

Angel networking: how to do it the right way

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Bill Morrow

Angel networking: how to do it the right way

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Bill Morrow is the proud founder of Angels Den, one of the largest angel investor clubs with presence in over 10 countries. Through Angels Den, Bill curates deals, teaches angels, matches up lead investors with startups and carefully scrutinizes investments.

He firmly believes that money is just one part of angel investing and that time, connections, networking and experience will ultimately be what a startup needs. He has built this club based on his extensive experience and under his leadership over 92% of startups funded are still going strong.

Bill is also chairman of the board of Morrow Moylan Capital, a discretionary investment vehicle that helps family offices and high net worth individuals invest in startups.

He is a certified financial accountant and a graduate of the University of Edinburgh.


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