Paloma Cabello

Angel & Alternative Investment Specialist

Investing in very early stage startups: what to consider

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Paloma Cabello

Investing in very early stage startups: what to consider

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Paloma Cabello is an International Finance professional who has been in the VC/Tech arena as Managing Director in a specialised VC firm focused in Technology, Multimedia, Telecommunications and Biotechnology. 

Paloma later moved into the Alternative Investment field, where she has been the country adviser to large Value Investment Funds in Spain. She has an extensive track-record as independent Director and Adviser of listed and unlisted companies in Spain, USA and Latin America. 

Paloma bears a relentless passion for technology transfer, any investment activity associated with tech and allocates about 20% of her time to pro-bono activities related to the fostering of exceptional talent in those fields. 

Paloma has co-founded the Spanish Chapter of the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Enterprise Forum and the Investors Forum for Applied Technologies in Spain. She later joined the Organization Global Advisory Board as its first European member.

Today Paloma mentors all sort of tech-based startups and volunteers regularly as judge in several Competitions and innovation/technology Awards across Europe and America, including the MIT Technology Review Innovators Under 35 in Europe and LATAM, the MIT Enterprise Forum Startup Competition, the EMTECH Venture Point, and the ACTUAUPM competition of the UPM in Spain.

Moreover, Paloma fosters best practices in the finance profession as Associate Professor of M&A in the Master of International Finance IEB – Wharton – LSE – CUH. Currently Paloma mentors and advises the following great startups:  HGBeyond Materials Science,  Obuu, Urban Data Eye, 3D SURGERY , HOMI, and  DesCign.


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